People have hailed the health benefits of green tea for centuries.
The most notable health benefit of green tea is its powerful antioxidant potential, which helps prevent cellular damage from certain oxidation reactions in the body at the molecular level.
Moreover studies suggest that consuming green tea may positively affect skin health, help with weight loss, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
In sports nutrition it might also increase fat oxidation during exercise. But more research is needed.
Japanese green tea is produced in its own unique way, with the tealeaves steamed to stop fermentation. Depending on how the tealeaves were cultivated, their position on the plant, the amount of time they were allowed to steam, and how they were dried and processed, green tealeaves are classified as sencha, matcha, gyokuro, kukicha, or any number of other varieties.
Green tea is derived from Camellia sinensis and is high in phenolic compounds which are composed predominantly of derivatives of catechin, in addition to low proportions of other compounds such as phenolic acids and flavanols.
It is important to highlight that the effects of green tea are dose and time-of-treatment dependent and alongside adopting other health-promoting lifestyle changes, such as increased consumption of nutrient-rich foods and exercise, plays a role in preventing diseases and enhancing overall health.
Picture from Japanese tea ceremony